Results for 'James Aw Heffernan'

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  1.  30
    Critical ResponseStaging Absorption and Transmuting the Everyday: A Response to Michael Fried.James Aw Heffernan - 2008 - Critical Inquiry 34 (4):818-834.
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    Looking at the Monster: "Frankenstein" and Film.James A. W. Heffernan - 1997 - Critical Inquiry 24 (1):133.
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    Lusting for the natural sign.James A. W. Heffernan - 1994 - Semiotica 98 (1-2):219-228.
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    Some doubts about Turing machine arguments.James D. Heffernan - 1978 - Philosophy of Science 45 (December):638-647.
    In his article “On Mechanical Recognition” R. J. Nelson brings to bear a branch of mathematical logic called automata theory on problems of artificial intelligence. Specifically he attacks the anti-mechanist claim that “[i]nasmuch as human recognition to a very great extent relies on context and on the ability to grasp wholes with some independence of the quality of the parts, even to fill in the missing parts on the basis of expectations, it follows that computers cannot in principle be programmed (...)
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  5. The land ethic: A critical appraisal.James D. Heffernan - 1982 - Environmental Ethics 4 (3):235-247.
    Aldo Leopold’s “Land Ethic” centers on the maxim: “A thing is right when it tends to preserve the integrity, stability, and beauty of the biotic community. It is wrong when it tends otherwise.” I contribute to the critical appraisal of this maxim by providing answers to the following questions: (1) what is referred to by the phrase “the integrity, stability, and beauty of the biotic community”? (2) What “things” tend to preserve or threaten the integrity, stability, and beauty ofthe biotic (...)
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    Traumatic Stress and Its Aftermath: Cultural, Community, and Professional Contexts.James A. W. Heffernan - 2013 - Routledge.
    Explore the aftermath of traumatic stress as it affects various populations, including therapists themselves! This book will educate you about the aftermath of traumatic stress as it impacts people in a variety of settings. It explores the factors that lead to increased or reduced vulnerability to the effects of traumatic stress, emphasizing the impact of cumulative/multiple trauma rather than the effects of a single traumatic incident, to help you design and implement effective prevention and intervention programs. The specific populations and (...)
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    (1 other version)Resemblance, signification, and metaphor in the visual arts.James A. W. Heffernan - 1985 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 44 (2):171-180.
  8.  9
    The Simpson Trial and the Forgotten Trauma of Lynching: A Response to Shoshana Felman.James A. W. Heffernan - 1999 - Critical Inquiry 25 (4):801.
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    Does The World Need U.S. Farmers Even If Americans Don’t?Mary K. Hendrickson, Harvey S. James & William D. Heffernan - 2008 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 21 (4):311-328.
    We consider the implications of trends in the number of U.S. farmers and food imports on the question of what role U.S. farmers have in an increasingly global agrifood system. Our discussion stems from the argument some scholars have made that American consumers can import their food more cheaply from other countries than it can produce it. We consider the distinction between U.S. farmers and agriculture and the effect of the U.S. food footprint on developing nations to argue there might (...)
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    Individualism: The Cultural Logic of Modernity.Nancy Armstrong, Deborah Cook, James Cruise, Lisa Eck, Megan Heffernan, David Jenemann, Nigel Joseph, Tom McCall, Lucy McNeece, JoAnne Myers, Julie Orlemanski, Jonathon Penny, Dale Shin, Vivasvan Soni, Frederick Turner & Philip Weinstein (eds.) - 2011 - Lexington Books.
    Individualism: The Cultural Logic of Modernity is an edited collection of sixteen essays on the idea of the modern sovereign individual in the western cultural tradition. Reconsidering the eighteenth-century realist novel, twentieth-century modernism, and underappreciated topics on individualism and literature, this volume provocatively revises and enriches our understanding of individualism as the generative premise of modernity itself.
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    Thomas J. Heffernan, The Passion of Perpetua and Felicity. New York: Oxford University Press, 2012. Pp. xxv, 557. $99. ISBN: 9780199777570.Jan N. Bremmer and Marco Formisano, eds., Perpetua's Passions: Multidisciplinary Approaches to the “Passio Perpetuae et Felicitatis.”. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2012. Pp. viii, 383. $150. ISBN: 9780199561889. [REVIEW]James B. Rives - 2013 - Speculum 88 (4):1106-1108.
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    Arabic Works by Jewish Writers 1863-1973. (Fihris al-Maṭbūʿāt al-ʿArabīyah allatī allafahā aw nasharahā al-Udabā' wal-ʿUlamā' al-Yahūd 1863-1973)Arabic Works by Jewish Writers 1863-1973. [REVIEW]James A. Bellamy & Shmuel Moreh - 1976 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 96 (1):158.
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  13. Immoralism and the Valence Constraint.James Harold - 2008 - British Journal of Aesthetics 48 (1):45-64.
    Immoralists hold that in at least some cases, moral fl aws in artworks can increase their aesthetic value. They deny what I call the valence constraint: the view that any effect that an artwork’s moral value has on its aesthetic merit must have the same valence. The immoralist offers three arguments against the valence constraint. In this paper I argue that these arguments fail, and that this failure reveals something deep and interesting about the relationship between cognitive and moral value. (...)
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    A New Puzzle For Hedonistic Theories of Value.Scott M. James - 2017 - Journal of Philosophical Research 42:115-130.
    Most of us would feel awful if we discovered that our beloved had been unfaithful. But the hedonist, I argue, cannot consistently claim: that a betrayal that goes undetected does not make your life worse off for you; and, at the same time, that one ought to feel bad if one happens to discover that one has been betrayed. To claim that one ought to feel bad requires adducing reasons for that reaction, but the hedonist either can adduce no such (...)
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  15. Misanthropy and the Hatred of Humankind.Ian James Kidd - 2022 - In Noell Birondo (ed.), The Moral Psychology of Hate. Lanham and London: Rowman & Littlefield. pp. 75-98.
    One way to think about the philosophical significance of hatred is to consider doctrines that are characterised by feelings of hatred. A good candidate is misanthropy, which is often conceived as an attitude of hatred directed at humankind at large. I start by sketching a working account of misanthropy as a critical verdict or judgment on the contemporary condition of humankind as it has become. The criticism is directed at the array of vices and failings that are ubiquitous and entrenched (...)
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    Hume’s Law as Another Philosophical Problem for Autonomous Weapons Systems.Robert James M. Boyles - 2021 - Journal of Military Ethics 20 (2):113-128.
    This article contends that certain types of Autonomous Weapons Systems (AWS) are susceptible to Hume’s Law. Hume’s Law highlights the seeming impossibility of deriving moral judgments, if not all evaluative ones, from purely factual premises. If autonomous weapons make use of factual data from their environments to carry out specific actions, then justifying their ethical decisions may prove to be intractable in light of the said problem. In this article, Hume’s original formulation of the no-ought-from-is thesis is evaluated in relation (...)
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  17. Review of David E. Cooper, "Animals and Misanthropy" (Routledge, 2018). [REVIEW]Ian James Kidd - forthcoming - Philosophy.
    A review of David E. Cooper's book, "Animals and Misanthropy", which argues that reflection on awful treatment of animals justifies a negative critical judgment on human life and culture.
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    (1 other version)James E. Baumgartner, Alan Taylor, and Stanley Wagon. Ideals on uncountable cardinals. Logic Colloquium '77, Proceedings of the colloquium held in WrocŁaw, August 1977, edited by Angus Macintyre, Leszek Pacholski, and Jeff Paris, Studies in logic and the foundations of mathematics, vol. 96, North-Holland Publishing Company, Amsterdam, New York, and Oxford, 1978, pp. 67–77. - J. E. Baumgartner, A. D. Taylor, and S. Wagon. Structural properties of ideals. Dissertationes mathematicae (Rozprawy matematyczne), no. 197, Polska Akademia Nauk, Instytut Matematyczny, Warsaw 1982, 95 pp. - James E. Baumgartner and Alan D. Taylor. Saturation properties of ideals in generic extensions. Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, vol. 270 (1982), pp. 557–574, and vol. 271 (1982), pp. 587–609. [REVIEW]Thomas Jech - 2001 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 7 (1):79-79.
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    Awful Revolution James Paton Isaac: Factors in the Ruin of Antiquity. A Criticism of Ancient Civilization. Pp. xxii+476. Toronto: Bryant Press, 1971. Cloth, $10. [REVIEW]Oswyn Murray - 1975 - The Classical Review 25 (02):279-280.
  20.  35
    Turing machine arguments.R. J. Nelson - 1980 - Philosophy of Science 47 (4):630-633.
    In I used Turing machine arguments to show that computers can recognize humanly recognizable patterns in principle. In 1978 James D. Heffernan has expressed some doubts about such arguments. He does not question the propositions that I defend in the paper, nor the specific arguments in their support. What he does criticize are certain background assumptions.
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    What Can Philosophy Contribute to Ethics?James Griffin - 2015 - Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press UK.
    Ethics appears early in the life of a culture. It is not the creation of philosophers. Many philosophers today think that their job is to take the ethics of their society in hand, analyse it into parts, purge the bad ideas, and organize the good into a systematic moral theory. The philosophers' ethics that results is likely to be very different from the culture's raw ethics and, they think, being better, should replace it. But few of us, even among philosophers, (...)
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  22. Facing Death, Epicurus and His Critics.James Warren - 2006 - Philosophical Quarterly 56 (223):294-297.
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    Essays, comments, and reviews.William James - 1987 - Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
    This generous omnium-gatherum brings together all the writings William James published that have not appeared in previous volumes of this definitive edition of ...
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    Historical Perspectives on Climate Change.James Rodger Fleming - 2005 - Oup Usa.
    This intriguing volume provides a thorough examination of the historical roots of global climate change as a field of inquiry, from the Enlightenment to the late twentieth century. Based on primary and archival sources, the book is filled with interesting perspectives on what people have understood, experienced, and feared about the climate and its changes in the past. Chapters explore climate and culture in Enlightenment thought; climate debates in early America; the development of international networks of observation; the scientific transformation (...)
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    Moral Community and Moral Order.James Caton - 2020 - Erasmus Journal for Philosophy and Economics 13 (2).
    This work aligns James Buchanan’s theory of social contract with the structure of Michael Moehler’s multilevel social contract. Most importantly, this work develops Buchanan’s notions of moral community and moral order. It identifies moral community as the vehicle of escape from moral anarchy, where community is established upon a system of rules akin to James Buchanan’s first-stage social contract. Moral order establishes the baseline treatment of non-members by members of a moral community and also provides a minimum standard (...)
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  26. What Would a Phenomenology of Logic Look Like?James Kinkaid - 2020 - Mind 129 (516):1009-1031.
    The phenomenological movement begins in the Prolegomena to Husserl’s Logical Investigations as a philosophy of logic. Despite this, remarkably little attention has been paid to Husserl’s arguments in the Prolegomena in the contemporary philosophy of logic. In particular, the literature spawned by Gilbert Harman’s work on the normative status of logic is almost silent on Husserl’s contribution to this topic. I begin by raising a worry for Husserl’s conception of ‘pure logic’ similar to Harman’s challenge to explain the connection between (...)
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    Introduction : the Habermas Rawls dispute : analysis and re-evaluation.James Gordon Finlayson & Fabian Freyenhagen - 2010 - In James Gordon Finlayson & Fabian Freyenhagen (eds.), Habermas and Rawls: Disputing the Political. New York: Routledge.
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    History and philosophy of science: A phylogenetic approach.James G. Lennox - unknown
    Kuhn closed the Introduction to The Structure of Scientific Revolutions with what was clearly intended as a rhetorical question: How could history of science fail to be a source of phenomena to which theories about knowledge may legitimately be asked to apply? (Kuhn 1970, 9) This paper argues that there is a more fruitful way of conceiving the relationship between a historical and philosophical study of science, which is dubbed the 'phylogenetic' approach. I sketch an example of this approach, and (...)
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  29. Punting on the aesthetic question.James Shelley - 2021 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 102 (1):214-219.
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  30. Philosophical reasoning.James H. Fetzer - 1984 - In Principles of philosophical reasoning. Totowa, N.J.: Rowman & Allanheld. pp. 3--21.
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  31. On the Nature of Bayesian Convergence.James Hawthorne - 1994 - PSA: Proceedings of the Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association 1994:241 - 249.
    The objectivity of Bayesian induction relies on the ability of evidence to produce a convergence to agreement among agents who initially disagree about the plausibilities of hypotheses. I will describe three sorts of Bayesian convergence. The first reduces the objectivity of inductions about simple "occurrent events" to the objectivity of posterior probabilities for theoretical hypotheses. The second reveals that evidence will generally induce converge to agreement among agents on the posterior probabilities of theories only if the convergence is 0 or (...)
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  32. (1 other version)Experimental Epistemology.James R. Beebe - 2010 - In Andrew Cullison (ed.), A Companion to Epistemology. New York: Continuum Press. pp. 248-269.
    An overview of the main areas of epistemological debate to which experimental philosophers have been contributing and the larger, philosophical challenges these contributions have raised.
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    Meaning and Moral Order: Explorations in Cultural Analysis.James Johnson - 1990 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 28 (3):192-192.
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    Varieties of Narrative Analysis.James A. Holstein & Jaber F. Gubrium (eds.) - 2012 - SAGE.
    Varieties of Narrative Analysis presents a broad spectrum of approaches to the empirical analysis of stories and storytelling. Leading researchers from different disciplines provide richly illustrated discussions of how they actually conduct narrative analysis from their diverse perspectives. The book's chapters focus on different ways of doing data analysis, not data collection, although the two are related in practice. The narrative material presented ranges from media accounts, life stories, and quantitative content analysis, to storytelling occasions, embodiment, emotionality, and narrative's diverse (...)
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  35. Michel Foucault's ethical imagination.James Bernauer & Michael Mahon - 1994 - In Gary Gutting (ed.), The Cambridge Companion to Foucault. New York: Cambridge University Press.
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    Beauty, Art, and the Polis.Alice Ramos - 2000 - CUA Press.
    Introduction by Ralph McInerny The essays in this volume, indebted in great part to Jacques Maritain and to other Neo-Thomists, represent a contribution to an understanding of beauty and the arts within the Aristotelian-Thomistic tradition. As such they constitute a different voice in present-day discussions on beauty and aesthetics, a voice which nonetheless shares with many of its contemporaries concern over questions such as the relationship between beauty and morality, public funding of the arts and their educational role, objective and (...)
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    In search of boredom: beyond a functional account.James Danckert & Andreas Elpidorou - 2023 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 27 (5):494-507.
    Boredom has been characterized as a crisis of meaning, a failure of attention, and a call to action. Yet as a self-regulatory signal writ-large, we are still left with the question of what makes any given boredom episode meaningless, disengaging, or a prompt to act. We propose that boredom is an affective signal that we have deviated from an optimal (‘Goldilocks’) zone of cognitive engagement. Such deviations may be due to a perceived lack of meaning, arise as a consequence of (...)
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    Do fictions explain?James Nguyen - 2020 - Synthese 199 (1-2):3219-3244.
    I argue that fictional models, construed as models that misrepresent certain ontological aspects of their target systems, can nevertheless explain why the latter exhibit certain behaviour. They can do this by accurately representing whatever it is that that behaviour counterfactually depends on. However, we should be sufficiently sensitive to different explanatory questions, i.e., ‘why does certain behaviour occur?’ versus ‘why does the counterfactual dependency invoked to answer that question actually hold?’. With this distinction in mind, I argue that whilst fictional (...)
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  39. Comments on Professor Benacerraf's Paper.James Thomson - 1970 - In Wesley Charles Salmon (ed.), Zeno’s Paradoxes. Indianapolis, IN, USA: Bobbs-Merrill. pp. 130--138.
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    Kenneth Burke on dialectical-rhetorical transcendence.James P. Zappen - 2009 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 42 (3):pp. 279-301.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Kenneth Burke on Dialectical-Rhetorical TranscendenceJames P. ZappenKenneth Burke's concept of rhetoric is complex and elusive, increasingly so as it becomes intertwined and infused with dialectic in the long third part of A Rhetoric of Motives and in some essays published shortly thereafter (1951; 1955; 1969b [1950], 183–333).1 The connection between Burke's rhetoric and dialectic is well established (Brummett 1995; Crusius 1986; 1999, 120–21; Wess 1996, 136–216; Wolin 2001, 143–204), (...)
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    Toward a Theory of Homology: Development and the De-Coupling of Morphological and Molecular Evolution.James DiFrisco - 2023 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 74 (3):771-810.
    Advances in developmental genetics and evo-devo in the last several decades have enabled the growth of novel developmental approaches to the classic theme of homology. These approaches depart from the more standard phylogenetic view by contending that homology between morphological characters depends on developmental-genetic individuation and explanation. This article provides a systematic re-examination of the relationship between developmental and phylogenetic homology in light of current evidence from developmental and evolutionary genetics and genomics. I present a qualitative model of the processes (...)
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  42. Michel Foucault's Force of Flight: Towards an Ethics for Thought.James W. Bernauer - 1992 - Journal of Nietzsche Studies 4:175-176.
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    Why Keep a Dog and Bark Yourself? Making Choices for Non‐Human Animals.James W. Yeates - 2018 - Journal of Applied Philosophy.
    Animals are usually considered to lack the status of autonomous agents. Nevertheless, they do appear to make ostensible choices. This article considers whether, and how, I should respect animals' choices. I propose a concept of volitionality which can be respected if, and insofar as, doing so is in the best interests of the animal. Applying that concept, I will argue that an animals' choices be respected when the relevant human decision maker's capacities to decide are potentially challenged or compromised. For (...)
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    Fichte's Republic: Idealism, History and Nationalism.David James - 2015 - United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press.
    The Addresses to the German Nation is one of Fichte's best-known works. It is also his most controversial work because of its nationalist elements. In this book, David James places this text and its nationalism within the context provided by Fichte's philosophical, educational and moral project of creating a community governed by pure practical reason, in which his own foundational philosophical science or Wissenschaftslehre could achieve general recognition. Rather than marking a break in Fichte's philosophy, the Addresses to the (...)
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    The Oxford handbook of Ethics and Art.James Harold (ed.) - 2023 - New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
    Art has not always had the same salience in philosophical discussions of ethics that many other elements of our lives have. There are well-defined areas of "applied ethics" corresponding to nature, business, health care, war, punishment, animals, and more, but there is no recognized research program in "applied ethics of the arts" or "art ethics." Art often seems to belong to its own sphere of value, separate from morality. The first questions we ask about art are usually not about its (...)
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    Re-Creating the Canon: Augustan Poetry and the Alexandrian past.James E. G. Zetzel - 1983 - Critical Inquiry 10 (1):83.
    The Alexandrian emphasis on smallness, elegance, and slightness at the expense of grand themes in major poetic genres was not preciosity for its own sake: although the poetry was written by and for scholars, it had much larger sources than the bibliothecal context in which it was composed. Since the time of the classical poets, much had changed. Earlier Greek poetry was an intimate part of the life of the city-state, written for its religious occasions and performed by its citizens. (...)
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    The twin origins of renormalization group concepts.James D. Fraser - 2021 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 89 (C):114-128.
  48.  15
    Technologies of Captivation: Videogames and the Attunement of Affect.James Ash - 2013 - Body and Society 19 (1):27-51.
    This article analyses the skills and knowledges involved in multiplayer first-person shooting games, specifically Call of Duty 4 for the Xbox 360 games console. In doing so, it argues that the environments of first-person shooting games are designed to be intense spaces that produce captivated subjects – users who play attentively for long periods of time. Developing Heidegger’s concept of attunement and Stiegler’s account of retention, the article unpacks the somatic and sensory skills involved in videogame play and discusses how (...)
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    Can Modern War Be Just?James Turner Johnson - 1984 - Yale University Press.
    Now that mankind has created the capability of destroying itself through nuclear technology, is it still possible to think in terms of a "just war"? Johnson argues that it is, and in the context of specific case studies he offers moral guidelines for addressing such major contemporary problems as terrorist activity in a foreign country, an individual’s conscientious objection to military service, and an American defense policy that requires development of weapons that may be morally employed in case of need. (...)
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    Companion Animal Ethics: A Special Area of Moral Theory and Practice?James Yeates & Julian Savulescu - 2017 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 20 (2):347-359.
    Considerations of ethical questions regarding pets should take into account the nature of human-pet relationships, in particular the uniquely combined features of mutual companionship, quasi-family-membership, proximity, direct contact, privacy, dependence, and partiality. The approaches to ethical questions about pets should overlap with those of animal ethics and family ethics, and so need not represent an isolated field of enquiry, but rather the intersection of those more established fields. This intersection, and the questions of how we treat our pets, present several (...)
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